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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: DC

7:00 AM | *Turns hotter for the second half of the week with afternoon highs in the low-to-mid 90's next few days...unsettled conditions remain*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will pass by to our north today and there can be isolated showers and thunderstorms during the afternoon, but much of today will be rain-free. An upper-level ridge of high pressure is building into the region and this will result in hotter weather conditions beginning today and continuing through Friday with afternoon highs likely well up in the 90’s on each day. The overall pattern remains unsettled as well on Thursday and Friday with a chance of PM showers and thunderstorms and warm, humid and unsettled conditions are likely this weekend.

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7:00 AM | **A good chance of showers and thunderstorms later today/tonight...some of the PM storms can be strong...hotter weather for the second half of the week**

Paul Dorian

A couple of shortwaves will rotate through the region later today and tonight raising the chance of PM showers and thunderstorms…some of the storms can be strong and produce heavy rainfall amounts. There should be plenty of cloud cover around as well today which should limit high temperatures this afternoon to the middle or upper 80’s in the DC metro region. Upper-level high pressure ridging to our southwest will take control for the second half of the week and it’ll remain somewhat unsettled. As such, it’ll turn hotter for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday with afternoon high temperatures likely well up in the 90’s and there can be scattered showers and thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | *After a tranquil weekend, unsettled weather returns to the region*

Paul Dorian

The weather was rather tranquil this weekend with dry and quite warm conditions, but it turns unsettled again by tonight and it’ll remain so for much of the week. Low pressure is spinning over New England this morning and there is a chance for an isolated shower that makes it all the way down into the southern Mid-Atlantic region. Another low pressure system will push to our north from tomorrow into Wednesday and it will raise the chance of additional showers and thunderstorms around here. Temperatures will be high this week with many days featuring highs in the lower or middle 90’s.

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6:30 AM | *Warm and dry weather in the Mid-Atlantic region from tomorrow through Sunday*

Paul Dorian

After one more warm, humid, and unsettled day in the Mid-Atlantic region, high pressure centered over the Great Lakes will take control of our weather on Friday and provide us with dry and comfortably warm conditions through the weekend. As far as today is concerned, there will again be plenty of clouds around and the threat of additional showers…maybe a thunderstorm. Temperatures should peak this afternoon in the middle 80’s and overall humidity levels should drop by tomorrow as high pressure to our northwest edges into the region.

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7:00 AM | *Another couple of warm, humid and unsettled days with occasional showers and possible thunderstorms*

Paul Dorian

High pressure centered over the western Atlantic Ocean continues to pump in warm, moist air to the Mid-Atlantic region and a series of weak fronts will keep it unsettled around here for the next couple of days. The combination of the high humidity and the weak disturbances will result in a chance of showers and thunderstorms right through tomorrow night and some of the rain can be heavy at times. High pressure building over the Great Lakes by week’s end should be strong enough to eliminate the chance of rain around here on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and temperatures should be pretty close to seasonal norms.

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8:30 AM | *Warm, humid and unsettled pattern next few days...slow-moving nature of showers and storms increases the chance for some heavy rainfall amounts in a given location*

Paul Dorian

What a difference a week makes...a week ago the Mid-Atlantic region was experiencing high heat with triple digit highs in some spots and significant rainfall was hard to come by.  Severe thunderstorms then took place last Tuesday and Wednesday causing numerous power outages in the Mid-Atlantic region...all part of a transition in the overall pattern that resulted in an influx of cooler air on Thursday. Since then, and for the rest of this week, temperatures will be much closer to seasonal norms with afternoon highs generally in the 80’s and no triple digit heat is in sight for the I-95 corridor. In terms of rainfall, weak winds in the lower and middle atmosphere are contributing to slow movement of showers and thunderstorm cells and - given the high amounts of available moisture - this has increased the chance for some heavy rainfall amounts in a given location and this threat will remain with us through Thursday. Beyond that, high pressure over the Great Lakes is likely to bring about a warm and dry period from Friday through Sunday.

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7:00 AM | **Warm, humid and unsettled through Thursday with a daily shot of showers and storms...some of the rain will be heavy at times**

Paul Dorian

High pressure centered over the western Atlantic Ocean continues to pump in warm, moist air to the Mid-Atlantic region and a series of weak fronts will keep it unsettled around here for the next few days. The combination of the high humidity and the multiple disturbances will result in a chance of showers and thunderstorms right through Thursday and some of the rain can be heavy at times. High pressure over the Great Lakes by week’s end should be strong enough to eliminate the chance of rain around here on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and temperatures should be pretty close to seasonal norms.

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7:00 AM | **Warm, humid and unsettled next few days with occasional showers and possible thunderstorms...some of the rain can be heavy**

Paul Dorian

Much of the week ahead will feature high pressure centered over the western Atlantic Ocean and from this location a low-level flow of air from the Gulf of Mexico will pump in warm and humid air to the Mid-Atlantic region. The combination of the high humidity and a series of weak disturbances and frontal systems will generate a daily threat of showers and thunderstorms right through the day on Thursday. Many of the showers and thunderstorms that form during the next few days will be slow-movers raising the chance of heavy rainfall over a given location…perhaps resulting in some localized flash flooding conditions.

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6:30 AM | *High temperatures generally confined to the 80's during the next several days*

Paul Dorian

A cold front passed through the region early yesterday and ushered in a cooler air mass to the Mid-Atlantic that will result in high temperatures confined to the 80’s during the next few days. High pressure will be in control of the weather through the upcoming weekend, but a shower or thunderstorm can pop up from time-to-time. An upper-level trough and surface frontal system will enter the picture early next week raising the chance of showers and thunderstorms in the Mid-Atlantic region.

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