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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: DC

6:30 AM | *Coldest night so far this season with patchy frost possible in far N/W suburbs...even colder air mass next week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure stays in control through the end of the week and temperatures late tonight will drop to the lowest levels of the season so far in the Mid-Atlantic region. Overnight low temperatures near 40 degrees are likely in some suburban locations and there can be some patchy frost for the first time in outlying areas. It turns warmer for the first half of the weekend and continued dry and then another cold frontal passage will usher in the coldest air mass so far this season for the first half of next week. One final note, Hurricane Milton came ashore last evening as a category 3 storm near the Siesta Key/Sarasota region of Florida’s Gulf coast and is now exiting off the east coast.

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7:00 AM | *Coolest temperatures so far this fall season coming tomorrow night in the Mid-Atlantic region...another cool shot next week*

Paul Dorian

A weak cool front will cross the region tonight and it’ll usher in a reinforcing cool air mass that sticks around for the next couple of days. In fact, the lowest temperatures of the season so far will take place in the late night hours with overnight lows in the lower 40’s. It’ll warm up slightly on Saturday with high pressure in control and temperatures climbing back into the 70’s, but another cold frontal passage will usher in cooler air for the second half of the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Dry, cool conditions for the next few days*

Paul Dorian

A cold front pushed through the area yesterday paving the way for a dry and cool week across the Mid-Atlantic region. High pressure will control the weather for the next few days and there will be a reinforcing cold frontal passage on Wednesday night. High temperatures should generally be confined to the 60’s and overnight lows in the 40’s. The coldest night of the season so far could be on Thursday night with lows in the lower 40’s across most suburban locations.

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6:30 AM | **Dry and cool for the rest of the week following today's frontal passage...another "major" hurricane headed to Florida**

Paul Dorian

A cold front will cross the area this morning and pave the way for a cool and dry rest of the week in the Mid-Atlantic region. Temperatures today can climb into the lower 70’s for afternoon highs and then will likely be confined to the 60’s for the rest of the week with overnight lows down in the 40’s. On the tropical scene, Milton is now a category 2 hurricane and is likely to intensify into a “major” hurricane as it crosses the Gulf of Mexico with a possible landfall on Wednesday afternoon somewhere along Florida’s west-central Gulf coast and perhaps right in the Tampa Bay region.

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6:15 AM | *Nice weather for the weekend throughout the Mid-Atlantic region...weekend auroras possible*

Paul Dorian

Weak high pressure remains in control of the weather around here today with clouds and limited sunshine expected and then another weak cool front will pass through in the overnight hours…perhaps generating a shower or two. The frontal passage later tonight will pave the way for a nice weekend in the Mid-Atlantic region with plenty of sunshine expected on both days. Another cool front will cross the area on Sunday night and Monday and this one will usher in a cool air mass with highs on Tuesday and Wednesday likely to be confined to the 60’s. Two other notes…a tropical system may form over the Gulf of Mexico by early next week with its highest chance of impact likely limited to Florida sometime later next week. Also, the strongest solar flare of the current solar cycle, #25, will impact the Earth’s atmosphere later this weekend and the potential exists for widespread auroras.

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6:15 AM | *A nice weekend shaping up for the Mid-Atlantic region*

Paul Dorian

A weak cool front crossed the area on Wednesday and high pressure will follow into the Mid-Atlantic region for the next couple of days. The weekend is shaping up quite nicely for both Saturday and Sunday likely to feature plenty of sunshine and comfortable temperatures. Another cool front arrives by Monday and it’ll turn slightly cooler behind it on Tuesday with highs likely confined to the 60’s.

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7:00 AM | *Frontal passage kicks out the maritime air mass...nice stretch of weather coming for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday*

Paul Dorian

The weather pattern will change today with the passage of a weak cool frontal system which will kick out the maritime air mass that has been entrenched in the area for the past several days. Temperatures have been limited in recent days by an abundance of clouds and a persistent onshore flow of air; but they’ll return to comfortably warm levels on Thursday and Friday with the return of partial sunshine. The weather will stay quite nice in the Mid-Atlantic region for the upcoming weekend with plenty of sunshine expected on both days.

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6:15 AM | *Frontal passage on Wednesday to sweep away the entrenched moist maritime air mass...nice stretch of weather from Thursday through Sunday*

Paul Dorian

The next couple of days will remain unsettled with an upper-level trough hanging nearby and the continuation of a moist, low-level onshore flow of air. The pattern will change at mid-week with the passage of a cool frontal system that will kick the moist, maritime air mass out of here, and sunshine should return for the latter part of the week and upcoming weekend. Temperatures will remain on the cool side during the next couple of days limited by an abundance of clouds and the persistent onshore flow of air; however, they’ll return to comfortably warm levels later in the week with the return of abundant sunshine.

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*September ends with plenty of tropical activity in the Atlantic Basin...a look back on the tropical season so far...a recap of Helene, and a look ahead*

Paul Dorian

Hurricane Helene made landfall on Thursday night as a category 4 “major” hurricane near Florida’s Gulf coast town of Perry and then pushed north through Georgia before grinding to a halt over the Tennessee Valley. Tremendous rainfall fell over the southern Appalachians as the result of strong and persistent upsloping winds associated with Hurricane Helene with as much as two feet in some spots and flooding was extreme. The month of September comes to an end with plenty of tropical activity to monitor in the Atlantic Basin and another system is destined for the Gulf of Mexico by this weekend or early part of next week. The tropical season in the Atlantic Basin has now resulted in 11 named tropical storms with four hurricanes having made landfall in the US, and there certainly may be other opportunities to add onto those numbers.

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7:00 AM | *Mid-week frontal passage to finally kick out moist, maritime air mass that has been stuck in the Mid-Atlantic region*

Paul Dorian

The first half of the week remains somewhat unsettled with an upper-level trough hanging nearby, a continuation of moist low-level onshore flow, and a daily threat of showers. The pattern will change at mid-week with the passage of a cool frontal system that will kick the moist, maritime air mass out of here and sunshine should rule later in the week. Temperatures in general will remain on the cool side limited by an abundance of clouds and persistent onshore flow during the next few days and will return to comfortably warm levels later in the week with the return of abundant sunshine.

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